Saturday, November 04, 2006

Catching Up

I've heard from so many people over the past week or so wondering when I'd post again...truth is, I just felt I had nothing really interesting to say so I opted to just not post. It's pretty hard to come up with something smart and worthy of people's time when I'm really experiencing very little from my bedroom.

Does everyone really want to hear about the sleepless nights? Well, that's a bit of a lie, I guess. I do sleep every night. I get up about every two hours to shift my body. My stomach is so large and it is putting so much pressure on my hips that I wake up in such pain that I have to get up and move my whole body to the opposite side. It's a process, though, requiring about a good 5 minutes to perfect the next position - propping all pillows in the correct places, moving Mark if I need to, drinking some water. Luckily, though, I do fall back to sleep rather quickly after all adjustments have been made.

Today is an exciting day for me though. I'm getting a pregnancy massage. It was a birthday gift from a friend who arranged her masseuse to actually come to my house to give me a massage. I couldn't be more excited --- and I'm not quite sure if I'm more excited to have all the pains in my back, legs, arms, hands, and feet rubbed out or if I'm more excited to see someone besides Mark, my mom and dad, my sister and nieces and my friends that have visited over the past few weeks.

Tomorrow marks my 28th week of pregnancy which is a milestone that, so many months ago, seemed so far off. Early on, we learned that 28 weeks was the minimal goal as both babies would have a 95% chance of survival if they were born at 28 weeks. Luckily, we've had no complications (thank God!!!!) so we're confident we'll far surpass the 28 weeks.

Then, I get to counting. At first, the high risk doctor said it was his goal to get us to 34 weeks. 34 weeks!!!!! That's only 6 weeks away! Even if I go beyond that to 37 weeks (he said he probably wouldn't let me go much farther than that), we're still in single digits. Only 9 weeks! So hard to believe but yet I'm so anxious to see the babies. (And for those not in the holiday spirit just yet, my 35th week is Christmas Christmas is just 7 weeks away!)

Mark and I were talking about the babies this morning. I asked if he thought they had hair. Because I picture them both coming out with nice, thick dark heads of hair. Mark said he likes bald babies and hopes they're BOTH bald. I'd compromise and have a bald boy but a girl??? Really, I hope she at least has hair.

We have our next appointment - actually appointments - this coming Tuesday. I go in at 830A to do my 3 hour glucose test to test for gestational diabetes (and I'm so not confident I'm going to pass; I really have a feeling it's going to turn out positive that I have it). Then, I have an appointment with our high risk doctor at which time we'll have another ultrasound. We've invited my mom to come with us to this appointment so she could see the twinners on the big screen. It really is exciting to see. Then, we have an appointment with the midwife after that. So, at least I get out of the house for the just sucks that I have to spend it in the hospital. So, look for an update Tuesday night on our appointment.


FishrCutB8 said...

Gestational Diabetes is no picnic--my wife had it, and had to watch pretty much everything she ate...while pregnant! It's so not fair. My hope for you is that you get to avoid this side order of the pregnancy symptom buffet line.

ev said...

You don't really need to have super interesting things to talk about...I think what I like about your blog is that you make little things like going down the stairs entertaining. It's Seinfeldian.