Look out, world. Jennie's got a Jazzy. There I am at my first trip to the grocery store since October.
Feeling quite stir crazy on such a beautiful December day, I took my mom up on the offer to go grocery shopping. I told her I felt like I should walk the aisles, as doing so may help to bring on labor. Unfortunately she insisted I use the Jazzy. And so I did. (Please note, that I did scan the place first to make sure there wasn't an elderly person in need of the Jazzy more so than I.)
After a few minutes of practice, I was rolling down the Weis' aisles like no one's business, swerving in and out of end displays, beeping the horn when an obstacle presented itself. It was a fun hour out of the house, plus two of Weis' famous "Helping Hands" helped us load our car. I think it was my outfit and my tree trunk legs (as is evidenced above) that attracted them to me. I still got it at 70+ lbs heavier.
Oh yeah, that's right. I've gained 70 lbs so far. My goal was to keep it at 50 lbs total...and up until three weeks ago I had only gained 38 lbs, so I felt my goal of 50 was totally attainable. So, at our last appointment on December 26th, imagine my utter shock and dismay when I stepped on the scale and it read 32 lbs higher than when I weighed in just three weeks earlier on December 5th.
"That's impossible," I said to the nurse. "That's more than 30 lbs since the last time I was here."
"Well, get off and try it again," she suggested.
I did and sure enough the same reading came out on the scale.
We went back to the examination room where Mark was waiting for us.
"How'd you do?" he asked. I should preface this by saying that before every appointment we make a bet on my weight. He usually guesses I'm like 10 lbs heavier than what I weigh in at and I've always been right on the money. This time, however, his guess was lower than what I had anticipated...but both of us had never expected this number.
Poor Mark. When he heard that number, I can only guess what went through his mind. What happened to the 118 lb girl I used to pick up with one arm and carry around on my shoulder? She's long gone, Markie. Long gone.
Anyway, the nurse took one look at my swollen tree trunk legs and gave me some hope that the number wasn't a true reflection of weight gain, but rather water weight. Because I am no longer able to sleep on my side (see past posts on labor and delivery trips) and am now sleeping upright, my uterus (which by the weigh is measuring 52 ; for a "normal" pregnancy, it should only be measuring about 36) is stopping the circulation. So as a result, my legs - from my thighs down to my toes - are swollen about 3 times their normal size. There's no harm to the babies they explained, it's just discomfort for me (yeah, no kidding).
With all that complaining aside, we do only have 11 days (OR LESS) left until we meet the babes. While I'll admit I was secretly hoping for an '06 baby, I'm excited about knowing they'll most likely be here on the 11th. Just praying for a painless labor and delivery and that they'll both be born healthy and Buddah-like.
You look dangerous and chic! Take a page from Brooke Shields post-baby days and always go out with large dark sunglasses on after the twins arrive. They [the sunglasses] will take away your need to wear make up and disguise the effects of any sleepless nights.
You look gorgeous. May birth be painfree for you and all women!
Oh my God, you crack me up. I check often to see if maybe you have gone into labor early and I always end up laughing my butt off. Will Mark or someone post a quick note to say when the babies have arrived? I know it will be a crazy time for everyone, but I am sure all of us who have been following this blog are anxious to hear. Sending all positive thoughts your way.
LOVE the picture of you on the Jazzy! Your blog absolutely rocks--thanks for the laughs.
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